Friday, November 25, 2011


Dreamweaver is Adobe’s foremost web development software app. Although the interface can look intimidating to non-tech users, it’s pretty easy to use once you get to know some of its functions and tools.

With Dreamweaver, you can create and edit several types of websites — from simple ones (such as pure HTML) to more complex pages (such as ActionScripts, CSS, JavaScript, ASP, ColdFusion, JSP, and PHP).

If you have a website, you can use the power of Dreamweaver to manage it more effectively. For this tutorial, I will discuss the program’s Basic site management settings.


  1. The first step is to open Dreamweaver and click the Files side panel.
  2. Next, press the drop-down arrow as shown below.
    files menu
  3. Then hit Manage Sites.
    manage sites
  4. In the Manage Sites window, click the New button and
    new button site
  5. Click Site click site
  6. There are two site management types, for this illustration we will use the Basic settings.
    Name your website for easy referencing later, and then enter its HTTP Address or URL. Press Next to proceed.
    editing files
  7. If you want to integrate a server technology to your site, tick the second option and select what server technology you want to have. As an example, we picked PHP MySQL. You should also choose this option if one or more of your webpages has PHP / MySQL codes. Click Next. editing file2 Some of the server technologies you can opt include the following. servertech
  8. Tick Edit locally, then upload to remote testing server and browse to where you want to save / store all your site’s files. Hit Next to continue to the next step.
    editing file3
  9. To test your files, you must choose how you want to connect to your testing server. For this illustration, we will connect through FTP (file transfer protocol).
    testing server
  10. Next, enter your web server’s hostname or FTP address, and specify what folder in your testing server you want to save / store all your site’s files.
    Enter your FTP login username and password. To identify whether or not all these settings are correct, click the Test Connection button. If the connection is successful, press Next
    testing files
  11. After that, input your website’s root folder. To test that directory, hit Test URL. If it went through, proceed to the subsequent step.
    testing files
  12. If you’re not the only one managing and / or editing your website, enable the checking in and out of the files. Tick Dreamweaver should check it out, and enter your name and email address. Click Next
    Sharing files
  13. You’ll be presented with the Site Definition summary. If all are correct, press the Done button.
    set up complete
  14. The Site Definition interface will then be closed. Press Done in the Manage Site window.
    Manage Site done

Your website is now added to Dreamweaver’s File side panel. Under Local Files, right-click your site and
test Website
press Get. This process will download all your website’s files from your web server.
Ge files from server
Depending on how large your website is, the downloading will take some time to finish.

When the Get process is complete, your website will be locally stored in your computer and will have a Dreamweaver structure just like the one below. All downloaded files can be managed, edited, and deleted locally and uploaded to your remote server. You can also create a new webpage and file and save it to your web server.
File Got

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